Apple PC Compatibility Card 7-inch card User Manual

Page 203

background image

CD audio cables (continued)

connecting to CD-ROM drive 27
disconnecting from CD-ROM drive 7

CD In connector

location 17, 48
plugging in CD audio cable 20, 48

CD Out connector 46
CD-ROM discs, using in PC environment


CD-ROM drives

connecting CD audio cable to 27
disconnecting CD audio cable from 7
performance of 87
problems with 128–129
sharing and unsharing 86, 101–103
using in PC environment 111–112

CD-ROM Support software 76
CDs. See audio CDs
CF_TEXT files 114
changing drive assignment 99–101
CHKDSK command (DOS) 101
clipboards 114–115, 122
Clipboard Viewer (Windows) 114
closing the computer 23–30, 51–54

avoiding damage to 3, 33, 57, 61
closing 23–30, 51–54
opening 4–12, 34–39

CONFIG.SYS file, editing 86, 102
configuration problems 127

monitors 79–82, 89, 173–191
PC drives 98–101
PC serial ports 104–105
sounds 96–97
video software 79–82, 173–191


AudioVision monitor 60
CD audio cables 15–22, 27, 41–50
game controllers (joysticks)

64–65, 105

internal PC audio/video assembly


MIDI device 64, 105
modem or serial device 66
mouse 65
to a network 66
printer 65
serial device 66
a single monitor 55–60
two monitors 60–63

containers. See drive containers
Control Panels folder (System Folder) 70

between DOS and Mac OS not

supported 114

between environments 114–115
between environments, problems with


QuickTime files 116

custom cables, pins for 105
custom monitor settings (DOS) 175–176
customizing monitors 191


damage, avoiding 3, 33, 57, 61
delete key (Macintosh keyboard), PC

equivalent 113

Del key (PC keyboard), Macintosh

equivalent 113

diagnostics utility 183
DIB files 114
DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module).

See also memory

adding 127, 133–139
information in PC Setup control

panel 90

specifications 193

discharging static electricity 6, 36, 134

cables from card assembly 135
CD audio cable from CD-ROM

drive 7

disk drives. See floppy disk drives; hard

disk drives; SCSI hard drives

