Konica Minolta bizhub 362 User Manual
Page 193

Setting up the VXL/VPS driver (Windows Vista/Server 2008)
Save in User Box
When “Save in User Box” or “Save in User Box and Print” is selected, specify
the file name to be saved and the box number for the save location in the di-
alog box that appears for entering the file name and box number.
The file name and box number that are required for “Save in User Box”
can be preregistered by clicking the [User Settings] button under “Output
Method”. If the file name and box number are already registered, the di-
alog box to enter the file name and box number does not appear when
“Save in User Box” is selected.
The file name is displayed when the document is output on this ma-
chine's control panel. Up to 30 characters (alphanumeric characters,
spaces, and symbols !# $ % & ' ~ = \ | ; : * ` / ? @ _ - . , ( ) [ ] { } < >) can
be entered in the “File Name” text box. Be sure to enter a user-friendly
file name.
Be sure to create the box of the save location in advance with the box
function of this machine. For details on the box functions of this machine,
refer to the User’s Guide [Box Operations].
When password rules are enabled on this machine, specify the box that
was created on this machine.