Cr23x index – Campbell Scientific CR23X Micrologger User Manual

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NOTE: The pages listed in this index will get you in the right section; however, the exact page
number may be off.

Modes, see Modes

1/X - [Instruction 42] 10-2
3 Wire Half Bridge - [Instruction 7] 9-4, 13-18,

13-19, 13-20
Programming Example 7-5

3WHB10K - 10 K ohm 3-Wire Half Bridge

Module 7-6

4 Wire Full Bridge, see Full Bridge with Single

Diff. Measurement - [Instruction 6]

4WPB100 - 100 ohm 4-Wire PRT Bridge

Module 7-4

5th Order Polynomial - [Instruction 55] 10-5

Programming examples 7-11, 7-12, 7-18,

5V Outputs OV-3, OV-5
9-Pin Serial Port 6-1
12V terminals OV-3, OV-4
100 ohm PRT

3 wire half bridge 7-5
4 wire half bridge 7-4
4 wire full bridge 7-6

101 Thermistor Probe

Programming example 7-11

107 Thermistor Probe - [Instruction 11] 9-6

Programming examples 7-3, 8-4, 8-6

207 Relative Humidity Probe - [Instruction 12] 9-7
223 Gypsum Soil Moisture Blocks 8-3
227 Gypsum Soil Moisture Block 7-10


A*X + B, see Scaling Array with Multiplier and

Offset - [Instruction 53]

A6REL-12/A21REL-12 Relay Driver 14-7
ABS(X) - [Instruction 43] 10-3
AC Excitation Measurements 13-20
AC Half Bridge - [Instruction 5] 9-4, 13-18,

13-19, 13-20
Programming examples 7-10, 8-4

AC/DC Relay Controller, see SDM-CD16AC
Activate Serial Data Output - [Instruction 96]

4-1, 12-6
Interrupts during 6-3
Programming examples OV-16, 8-8
Using Storage Module with 4-5

Alkaline power supply 14-3

AM25T Solid State Thermocouple Multiplexer

Programming example 8-13

AM416 Multiplexer 8-3
Analog inputs OV-3, OV-4
Analog output OV-3, OV-4
Analog to Digital (A/D) conversion 13-1
AND construction, Logical 3-5
Anemometer (Photochopper output)

Programming example 7-3

ARCTAN (X/Y) - [Instruction 66] 10-16
ARGOS - [Instruction 121] 12-10
Array ID

and Output Interval 2-2
Calculating data points 4-3
Definition A-2
Setting ID 2-2, 11-5


Characters E-1
Definition A-1
Output formats 4-4
Program transfer to computer/printer 1-11
Table E-1
Terminal or computer with terminal emulator OV-12
Transmission 6-7

ASPTC Aspirated Thermocouples 8-22
Asynchronous, Definition A-1
Automatic calibration sequence 13-21
Autorange 3-2
Average - [Instruction 71] 11-3

Programming examples OV-16, 8-2

Average, Computing running 8-1

[Instruction 52] 10-4

AVW1/AVW4 Vibrating Wire Interface 7-14


BATT VOLT, see Battery Voltage - [Instruction 10]
Battery Power 14-3
Battery Voltage - [Instruction 10] 9-6
Baud rate

Definition 6-7, A-1

Begin Case Statement - [Instruction 93] 12-5
Beginning of Loop, see Loop - [Instruction 87]
Binary telecommunications C-1

Generation of signature C-5

Block Move - [Instruction 54] 10-5

Programming examples 8-6, 8-13