Campbell Scientific CR23X Micrologger User Manual

Page 148

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specified transition to trigger. For example,
when triggering on the rising edge, if the input
starts out high, it must go low and then high
again to trigger.

When the measurements are sent to Input
Storage, Parameter 6 is used to specify the
number of scans made on the channels being
measured (the CR23X multiplies the number
entered by 1000). The measurements from
each channel are stored contiguously. For
example: Parameter 1 specifies 4 channels are
to be measured, Parameter 6 specifies 250
scans (0.250 entered), and Parameter 10
specifies 1 as the first input location to store
data. The measurements from the first channel
will be stored in input locations 1-250, those
from the second channel in locations 251-500,
etc. If insufficient locations are allocated to
Input Storage (


) to accommodate the

number of locations called for by Parameter 6
multiplied by Parameter 1 (e.g., 250 x 4 =
1000), an error code, E 60, will be displayed
when the program is compiled.

The number of scans determines how many
samples will be saved, and hence, when
Instruction 23 will be completed and execution
will pass on to the next instruction.
Measurements before and/or after the trigger
can be saved. Parameter 7 determines how
many scans that occurred prior to the trigger
are saved. For example, if 250 scans are
specified, and an offset of 20 is entered for
Parameter 7, then the trigger measurement will
be stored in location 21. Locations 1-20 will
contain the measurements that preceded the
trigger and 22-250 will contain the
measurements following the trigger. If only 10
measurements are made before the trigger,
then they will be stored in locations 11-20 while
the value -99999. will be stored in locations 1-10
for which no measurements were made.

When the raw A/D data is sent out the serial
port, the measurement data is not buffered and
hence, only the trigger and subsequent
measurements can be sent. The number of
measurements is determined by Parameters 1
and 6. Because the total number of
measurements are limited only by the storage of
the receiving computer, this can be a very large
number. Parameter 6 is the number of
measurements per channel to send in units of

1000 (e.g., 0.001 represents 1 measurement).
If 0 is entered for Parameter 6, the CR23X will
continue to send data until the Instruction is
aborted by pressing any key on the keyboard.

Raw A/D data may be sent to a maximum of 8
SM192 or SM716 Solid State Storage Modules
(SM's) at 76.8K baud (Parameter 4, Destination
Option C = 3). All SM's connected should be
set to Fill and Stop and have consecutive
addresses. The Burst data will be sent to the
first available (lowest address) Storage Module,
followed by the next lowest addressed, and so
on. If the data is retrieved from the SM's using
SMCOM.COM, a Storage Module
communications program contained in the
PC208 Datalogger Support Software, the data
collection format must be "A as stored 8 bit".
This will transfer the raw A/D data to a
computer file. The raw A/D data can be
converted to ASCII using SPLIT, a general
purpose data reduction program also contained
in PC208.

If SPLIT is not available for converting the raw
A/D, the following A/D format information is
provided for decoding purposes. At the start of
the series of measurements, the CR23X makes
a self-calibration measurement. The calibration
data is sent at the start of the measurement
data. The serial data is sent as a series of
signed 2 byte integers (most significant byte
sent first; i.e., Integer = 256

byte 1 + byte 2):

I1...In. The first integer, I1 is a start of output
identifier, FCxx (hex), where the first byte is
always FC (never seen in the data), and the
second byte is a number less than 100
(decimal, 64 hex), which is the Instruction
Location Number of Instruction 23 in the
program table. I2 divided by I3 is the multiplier
and I4 the offset (to the raw data) determined by
the first calibration. I2 is a fixed value
determined by the input range selected. I5
through In are the raw measurement data.
Thus, the value of the first measurement sent
(M1) in millivolts is:



= I






- I



The measurement data are sent in the order
that the measurements are made (i.e., the first
measurement for each channel, then the
second measurement for each channel, etc.).