Cr23x micrologger overview, Ov1. physical description – Campbell Scientific CR23X Micrologger User Manual

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Read the Selected Operating Details and Cautionary Notes at the front of the Manual before using the

The CR23X Micrologger combines precision measurement with processing and control capability in a
single battery operated system.

Campbell Scientific, Inc. provides three documents to aid in understanding and operating the CR23X:

1. This



The CR23X Operator's Manual


The CR23X Prompt Sheet

This Overview introduces the concepts required to take advantage of the CR23X's capabilities. Hands-
on programming examples start in Section OV4. Working with a CR23X will help the learning process,
so don't just read the examples, turn on the CR23X and do them. If you want to start this minute, go
ahead and try the examples, then come back and read the rest of the Overview.

The sections of the Operator's Manual which should be read to complete a basic understanding of

the CR23X operation are the Programming Sections 1-3, the portions of the data retrieval Sections
4 and 5 appropriate to the method(s) you are using (see OV5), and Section 14 which covers
installation and maintenance.

Section 6 covers details of serial communications. Sections 7 and 8 contain programming

examples. Sections 9-12 have detailed descriptions of the programming instructions, and Section
13 goes into detail on the CR23X measurement procedures.

The Prompt Sheet is an abbreviated description of the programming instructions. Once familiar with the
CR23X, it is possible to program it using only the Prompt Sheet and on-line prompts as a reference,
consulting the manual if further detail is needed.


The CR23X Micrologger with the alkaline
batteries is shown in Figure OV1-1. It is
powered with 10 "D" cells and has only the
power switch on the base. The rechargeable
CR23X has rechargeable lead acid cells. In
addition to the power switch, it has a charger
input plug and an LED which lights when the
charging circuit is active. Rechargeable
CR23Xs should always be connected to a solar

panel or AC charger. The lead acid batteries
provide backup in event of a power failure but
are permanently damaged if their voltage drops
below 11.76 volts. Campbell Scientific does not
warrant batteries.

The 16 character keyboard is used to enter
programs, commands and data; these can be
viewed on the 24 character x 2 line LCD