Appendix a glossary, Appendix a, Glossary – Vaisala Hydromet Data Collection Platform User Manual
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Appendix A ________________________________________________________________ Glossary
VAISALA______________________________________________________________________ 153
This appendix contains a glossary with explanations of some general
meteorological and technical terms and terms used in specifications.
The degree of conformity of a measured or calculated value to its
actual or specified value.
The station altitude in meters from sea level.
Atmospheric pressure The pressure at a given point due to the gravitational force on the
column of air above it. The official unit of pressure is Pascal (Pa =
). The unit hectopascal (hPa) has been chosen to be used in
meteorological barometric pressure measurement. 1 hPa = 100 Pa = 1
Instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure.
Barometric pressure
See Atmospheric pressure.
The unit of signaling speed of a line, which is the number of
transitions (voltage or frequency changes) that are made per second.
The term has often been erroneously used to specify bits per second.
However, only at very low speeds is baud equal to bps; for example,
300 baud is the same as 300 bps. Beyond that, one baud can be made
to represent more than one bit. For example, a V.22bis modem
generates 1200 bps at 600 baud.