HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 716

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Table 123 Events and actions to be taken when Business Continuity Manager agent cannot be

started (continued)



Make sure that the STEPLIB
DD statement is specified

IKJEFT01 terminates with return code 12 immediately after start

correctly and then restart
Business Continuity Manager

Make sure that the YKPARM
DD statement is defined

The following message is displayed: YKY019I YKPARM DD STATEMENT NOT FOUND

correctly and then restart
Business Continuity Manager

Make sure that the DD
statement is defined correctly

The IEC141I message is displayed

Business Continuity Manager
agent terminates abnormally

and then restart Business
Continuity Manager agent.

with a system completion
code (013)

Take appropriate action
according to the displayed

The IEC141I message is not displayed

Make sure that the DD
statement is defined correctly

The IEC020I message is displayed

Business Continuity Manager
agent terminates abnormally

and then restart Business
Continuity Manager agent.

with a system completion
code (001)

Take appropriate action
according to the displayed

The IEC020I message is not displayed

Specify the correct SYSEXEC
DD statement and then

The SYSEXEC DD statement is missing

The following message is
displayed: YKY604I

restart Business Continuity
Manager agent.



Check with the system
administrator to determine if

The SYSEXEC DD statement is displayed

the setting for the REXX
execution environment is

Make sure that YKAGENTD
is specified in the PARM

After being started, Business Continuity Manager agent terminates immediately with a
return code (00)

operand in the EXEC
statement, and then restart
Business Continuity Manager

Take appropriate action
according to the displayed
error message.

An error is displayed during initialization parameter analysis

Take appropriate action
according to the displayed

The TCP/IP setting error is displayed

Take appropriate action
according to the displayed

A message other than the above is displayed

Take appropriate action
according to the return code.

Business Continuity Manager agent terminates with a return code other than (00)


Linkage with Replication Manager