HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual
Page 227

Table 68 Prerequisite Hardware (4x4 Configuration) (continued)
physical path (for logical paths) using a
FCP cable.
Inter-storage systems at the secondary
site: Establish a unidirectional
Inter-remote-disk controller physical path
(for arbitration paths) from the supervisor
DKC at the secondary site to each
subordinate DKC using a FCP cable.
Inter-storage systems at the primary site:
If consistency must be maintained by
using the reverse resync function,
establish a unidirectional physical path
(for arbitration paths) from the supervisor
DKC at the primary site to each
subordinate DKC using a FCP cable.
Table 69 Storage System Setting Items (4x4 Configuration)
Use Remote Web Console for the setup.
Secondary site storage system: At least
one arbitration command device is
required for each subordinate DKC.
Arbitration command
Primary site storage system: If the Reverse
Resync function is used, at least one
arbitration command device is required
for each subordinate DKC.
Use Remote Web Console for the setup.
Arbitration path
An arbitration path from the
supervisor disk controller at the
secondary site to each subordinate
disk controller.
An arbitration path from the
supervisor disk controller at the
primary site to each subordinate disk
Use Remote Web Console for the setup.
Set up a remote command device by
mapping it to the supervisor disk
Remote command
controller of the arbitration command
Use Remote Web Console for the setup.
A journal group is required for each of
the primary and secondary sites.
Journal group
Timer type: SYSTEM
Use Remote Web Console for the setup.
At least one journal volume is required
for each journal group.
Journal volume
Defining a 4x4 configuration 227