Preparing the hardware (3dc, Multi-target (cnt ac-s – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 175

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Preparing the hardware (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration)

Table 48 (page 175)

lists the prerequisite hardware and

Table 49 (page 175)

lists the storage system

settings for using Business Continuity Manager in a 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z)

Table 48 Prerequisite Hardware (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) Configuration)




One unit each for the primary site, local
site, and remote site


Only a configuration that has one
storage system for each site is allowed.

One XP12000, XP24000, or XP P9500
Disk Array at each site (3 storage
systems in total)

Storage system

Physical paths between the primary site
and local site, and between the primary

Bidirectional physical path connected by
a FCP cable between the primary site

Link between storage
systems (physical path)

site and remote site, must always be

and local site, between the primary site
and remote site, and between the local
site and remote site.

Table 49 Storage System Setting Items (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) Configuration)




Use Remote Web Console for the setup.

A journal group is required for the
primary site and remote site.

Journal group

Timer type: Local.

One or more journal volumes are
required for both the primary site and
remote site.

Journal volume

Use Business Continuity Manager for the

Prepare the command device used for
the route list (See

Table 51 (page 176)


Command device

Use Remote Web Console or Business
Continuity Manager for the setup.

Logical path

An inter-control unit logical path is
required between the primary site and
local site (for both directions).

An inter-disk controller logical path is
required between the primary site and
remote site (for both directions).

Preparing the Configuration Files (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z)

Table 50 (page 175)

lists the configuration files required for using Business Continuity Manager in

a 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration.

Table 50 Required Configuration Files (3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) Configuration)




Disk configuration definition files are
required for primary, local, and remote

Disk configuration
definition file

Set this up before starting a copy
operation. If the Cnt-Ac S Consistency

Definition files for the Cnt Ac-S and Cnt
Ac-J copy groups are required.

Copy group definition

Preservation function is not used, the
consistency of a copy pair volume update
sequence might not be preserved in some
cases (such as a line error).

Defining a 3DC Multi-Target (Cnt Ac-S Z x Cnt Ac-J Z) configuration