Importing new storage group information, Importing changed storage volume information – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 307

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Prepare the file output in step one above as a Business Continuity Manager configuration file.
The file name is


If prefix is CONFIG01, the SMS-storage-group-name is STR01, and the dad-id is

, the name of the output file is CONFIG01.SMS.STR01.TOKYO.


Observe the following constraints:

Only specify the DCOLLECT parameter shown in the JCL example, so that only information
records of volumes belonging to SMS storage groups are output to the file.

The SMS storage group name in the output file name should be 8 or fewer characters. If SMS
storage group name used in DFSMS Access Method Service is more than 9 characters, the
SMS storage group name in the output file name should be 8 or fewer characters.

If you use the SMS list output function of Business Continuity Manager to acquire the volume list,
Business Continuity Manager automatically creates the JCL to acquire the DCOLLECT data. For
details, see

“About the SMS list output function” (page 308)


Importing new storage group information

To import attributes of newly-created SMS storage groups into Business Continuity Manager, do
the following:

As with the normal copy group creation procedure from the Copy Group Selection List panel
(group list) display the Pair Selection List (Primary) panel used for adding copy groups.


Press the F4=IprtSMS key.

The Import SMS Storage Group panel appears.


In the SMS Storage Group Name entry field, enter the name of the SMS storage group from
which you want to import information, and then press the Enter key.

The file name to be referenced ( from the SMS
storage group name entered in the SMS Storage Group Name entry field is identified and
read, and the Import SMS Storage Group Result panel appears.


Press the Enter key.

The Pair Selection List (Primary) panel appears, and the volume list that belongs to the SMS
storage group is specified as the P-VOL of the copy pair.

The volumes that belong to the SMS storage group are added to the top of the volume list in
the registered order, and the other volumes that do not belong to the SMS storage group
follow the volumes last added in the device number order.


Press the F5=Second key.

The Pair Selection List (Secondary) panel appears.


Specify the S-VOL corresponding to the P-VOL.

The information about the copy pair is created.

Importing changed storage volume information

You can import updated and added information by executing the same procedure as importing
new information. If the storage volume information before the update or addition has already been
incorporated into the copy group definition, only the information that has not been incorporated
yet will be added.

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