HP Surestore 64 Director Switch User Manual

Page 246

background image



availability 24
notification, enabling 24, 172

Canada, EMC statement 195
circle, green

port 67

class 2 statistics table 93
class 3 statistics 94
class of service, node properties dialog box 89
clearing link incident alerts 74
clearing port counters 39
close icon 26
closing the product manager 39
collect maintenance data option 165
collecting maintenance data 165
community name 124
component status, monitoring 53
configuration changes, audit log 150
configuration data

backing up and restoring 146, 173
resetting 175

configuration report 142

backing up and restoring 25
resetting 25, 175

configure date and time (manually) dialog

box 61

configure date and time dialog box 20, 60, 130
configure date and time periodic

synchronization dialog box 61

configure feature key dialog box 20, 127
configure icon 18
configure identification dialog box 18, 105
configure menu

backup and restore configuration 146
configure threshold alert(s) 133
date/time 20, 130
enable telnet 21, 145
enable web server 21, 144
export configuration report 21, 142
features 20, 127
identification 18
management server 126

operating mode 19
operating parameters 19
ports 19, 115
SNMP 123
SNMP agent 20
threshold alert(s) 20

configure open systems management server

dialog box 126

configure operating mode dialog box 19, 108
configure operating parameters dialog box 19,

illustration 114

configure ports 120
configure ports dialog box 19, 115, 120

blocking ports 79
menu options 118
open 121

configure SNMP

dialog box 124
procedure 123

configure SNMP dialog box 20, 124
configure threshold alerts, procedure 133

date and time 20

procedure 130

feature key 127
fibre channel operating parameters,

procedure 113

identification 105
open systems manager server 126
operating mode 107
SNMP 123

configuring features, menu option 20
conformity, declaration 204
connection failure, WWN binding 117
cooling fan module, failure indicator 56
counters, port, clearing 39
CRC errors 96
CTP card

active indicator 55
beaconing, enabling 64
failure indicator 55