Partitions tab, Materialized view indexes summary, Partitions tab materialized view indexes summary – HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual

Page 65

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For more information about displaying DDL, see

“Display Schema DDL and Their Properties”

(page 73)


Partitions Tab

To display partition information for a materialized view index:


Select a Schema in the navigation tree


Open the Materialized Views folder, select and open a Materialized View.


Open the Indexes folder and select a materialized view index in the tree.


Click the Partitions tab in the right pane.

In the right pane, these attributes are displayed:

Partition Number: The index number of the partition.

Percent Allocated: The percentage full of the partition.

Row Count: The current total number of rows in the partition.

Max Size: The maximum size in bytes of the partition.

Current EOF: The current data size of the partition in bytes.

Materialized View Indexes Summary

To display a detailed summary of the materialized views:


Select a Schema and right-click the Materialized View folder and select Show Summary
. Clicking on Show Summary Details displays a separate window with a summary
of the materialized views.

The materialized views partition summary displays:

Name: The name of the materialized view.

Total Current Row Count: The total number of rows in each materialized view.

Total Maximum Size: The total maximum size of the materialized view (in bytes).

Total Current Size: The total current size of the materialized view (in bytes).

Percent Allocated: The percent full of the materialized view.

The detailed summary is a snapshot of the materialized view in the schema at the timestamp
shown at the top of the table display. If you select [ Refresh ] the summary is refreshed. A row
is highlighted in red if the partition is equal to or greater than 80%.

Display Materialized View Groups and Their Properties

When you create a materialized view, a materialized view group is created automatically. It has
the same name as the table that the materialized view references.

To display the materialized view group information:


Start the HP Database Manager and log on using any user ID.


Click the Database area.


Select a system in My Active Systems in the navigation tree.


Select a Schema in the navigation tree.


Click the Materialized View Groups tab in the right pane, or open the MV Groups folder
and select a materialized view group name in the tree.

Display Materialized View Groups and Their Properties