Inventory process detail status, About the advanced tab – HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual

Page 147

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The references are verified upon startup after initial logon and also verified each time you switch
to another already connected system. If any of the references specified cannot be found, a dialog
box displays a warning, but the Space Management client continues to run. If tables are missing,
you run into multiple SQL errors upon refresh of the schema.

In the Space Reference Settings dialog box, these fields are displayed:


Field or Option


Defines space parameters in terms of user space and disk capacity.

SQL System Registry


Controls data aging and aggregation (historical data).

SQL Snapshot Period

Defines categories of space data.

SQL Class Rule

Contains inventory status.

SQL Status

Last inventory space data.

SQL Space


Historical space data.

SQL Space History

Repository Disk View (used for %full).

Disk Status

SPJ controls inventory (Start, Status, and so on).

SPJ Name


Inventory Process Detail Status

The Inventory Process Detail Status area displays detailed status of the inventory process.

About the Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab includes these groups:

“Inventory Options ” (page 148)

“Update Space Reference Tables” (page 148)

This figure shows the Advanced tab:

About the Configuration Tab