View event messages, View dial out and database events, See the trace event message format – HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual

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View Event Messages

View Dial Out and Database Events

You can view dial out and database events with any area selected. Dial out events are system
events that are dialed out to HP Support. Database events are events related to database activity,
data loads, and queries. In the current release, only these users can view dial out and database


Any user having administrative privileges


Event-message diagnostic information is primarily for use by HP support. If you have

questions about event messages, contact your HP support representative.

To view dial out or database events:


Under My Active Systems, right-click the Neoview platform for which you want to view
events, and select Dial Out Events or Database Events. A browser window appears.


Enable the browser window to run JavaScript. (JavaScript is used to process the user name
and password.) Usually, this can be done by activating a menu near the top of the page and
selecting Allow Blocked Content. However, some browsers might require other steps. If
you are unsure how to enable JavaScript, check your browser documentation.


Enter your user name and password, and click [ Submit ]. A new window opens to display
events. Messages in red are critical. Messages in green are informational.


For more detail about a message, click a message number.


Event information does not update automatically. You must either click Refresh

or close and reopen the window to ensure the most current information.

For more information about messages, see the Neoview Messages Manual in the Neoview Customer
Library, located on the customer documentation Web site. See

“Resources on the Web” (page 11)


See the Trace Event Message Format

This is the message format for:

Message 21034



Session ID: session-id
Function: Enterfunction
Sequence Number: sequence-number


Session ID: session-id
Function: Exitfunction
Sequence Number: sequence-number

NDCS Trace

Unique session ID generated by the SQL server at the time the connection is established.


The SQL server function that is being traced.



Perform Basic HPDM Operations