HP LaserJet M4349 Multifunction Printer series User Manual
Page 278

staple cartridges 94
replacing printing cartridges 154
reset button 18
Resets menu, control panel 54
resizing documents 105
problem-solving quality 201
settings 153
Resolution Enhancement
technology (REt) 153
resource saving 253
REt (Resolution Enhancement
technology) 153
retention, job
accessing 96
features 96
private 98
proof and hold 96
QuickCopy 99
stored 100
reverse page order 89
cleaning document
feeder 158
safety statements 245
saving resources, memory 253
scaling documents 105
scanner calibration 50, 161
scanner glass
cleaning 156
scanner lid backing, cleaning 157
scanning e-mail
validating gateway
addresses 219
scanning to e-mail
about 127, 131
address books 133
configuring 128
error messages 179, 180,
sending documents 131
scanning to e-mail
address books 133
control-panel settings 130
job settings 135
LDAP support 128
loading documents 131
recipient lists 133
sending documents 131
SMTP support 128
scanning to folder 136
scanning to workflow 137
settings 36
security features 6
Send Setup menu 43
Send to Folder 136
Send to Workflow 137
sending faxes
problem-solving 216
sending to e-mail
about 127, 128, 131
address books 133
error messages 179, 180,
sending documents 131
sending to e-mail
address books 133
job settings 135
LDAP support 128
loading documents 131
recipient lists 133
sending documents 131
settings 130
SMTP support 128
validating gateway
addresses 219
Service menu, control panel 55
driver presets
(Macintosh) 110
drivers 14
priority 13
quick sets (Windows) 104
Settings tab, embedded Web
server 151
SIMMs, incompatibility 248
size, copy
problem-solving 215
size, media
3-bin mailbox
specifications 75
500-sheet tray
specifications 73
ADF specifications 76
duplexer specifications 74
envelope feeder
specifications 74
printing small or custom 87
stacker specifications 75
stapler specifications 75
tray 1 specifications 72
unexpected, error
message 176
sizes, media
selecting trays 88
skewed pages 207
Sleep button 18
Sleep mode
sleep settings
power specifications 234
slow printing, problem-
solving 171
slow speed, problem-solving
fax receiving 217
small paper, printing on 87
smeared toner, problem-
solving 205
SMTP gateways
error messages 182
SMTP servers
configuring gateway
address 128
connecting to 128
finding gateways 129
testing 129
validating gateway
addresses 219
embedded Web server 16
HP Printer Utility 153
HP Web Jetadmin 16
Macintosh 15, 16
settings 13
supported operating
systems 11
uninstalling Macintosh 15
Web sites 11
Windows 16
acoustic 235
electrical 234
envelopes 67
labels 68
operating environment 235
264 Index