HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Oracle User Manual

Page 62

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Remove Virtual Copy after backup complete? [y=yes,n=no,q=quit]?

Enter n if you do not want to remove the Virtual Copy after a backup is completed successfully.
Otherwise, enter y.

Oracle RMAN Recovery Catalog connection string


You will be prompted with this question only if you previously selected Oracle RMAN as the
third-party backup tool.

Enter the Recovery Catalog connection string in user/passwd@catdb format, where catdb
is the service name of the Recovery Catalog, and user/passwd is the user name and
password to be used to connect to the Recovery Catalog.

Number of Oracle RMAN channels to be allocated [h=help,q=quit]?

You will be prompted with this question only if you previously selected Oracle RMAN as the
third-party backup tool.

Enter the number of RMAN channels to be allocated for backup.

NetBackup master server name [h=help,q=quit]?

Enter the DNS host name of the Symantec NetBackup master server.

You will be prompted for this information if you select Symantec NetBackup or Oracle RMAN
with Symantec NetBackup as a backup tool.

NetBackup policy name for database/datafiles backup [h=help,q=quit]?

Recovery Manager for Oracle requires that an NBU backup policy must have been created
for database backup.

You will be prompted for this information if you select Symantec NetBackup or Oracle RMAN
with Symantec NetBackup as backup tool.

HP Data Protector backup specification for database backup [h=help,


Enter the name of the HP Data Protector online, offline or datafile backup specification.

You will be prompted with this question only if you previously selected Oracle RMAN with
HP Data Protector as the third-party backup tool.

NetBackup full schedule name for policy 'your policy


You will be prompted with this question only if you previously selected Symantec NetBackup
as the third-party backup tool.

Enter a schedule name for the policy provided for the previous question that is used to perform
full database backup.

NetBackup policy name for archive log backup [h=help,s=skip,q=quit]?

A separate Symantec NetBackup policy must have been created for archive log backup if you
want to perform back up of archive logs only. Enter the archive log backup policy, or press
s to skip archive log backup.

You will be prompted for this information if you select Symantec NetBackup or Oracle RMAN
with Symantec NetBackup as backup tool.

HP Data Protector backup specification for archive log backup

[h=help, q=quit]?

Enter the name of the HP Data Protector archive log backup specification.


Configuring Recovery Manager for Oracle