HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Oracle User Manual
Page 55
On HP Data Protector Cell Manager, add the following parameter to the file /etc/opt/
For the change to take effect, restart HP Data Protector service. To restart the service:
# /opt/omni/sbin/omnisv stop
# /opt/omni/sbin/omnisv start
Configuring Oracle Operating System User Account (Oracle Owner Account)
The Oracle operating system user is the owner of the Oracle Home. Add the Oracle operating
system user account to the HP Data Protector admin group. Following is the list of parameters that
you must specify when adding the user to the HP Data Protector admin group:
Group: admin
Type: UNIX
Name: The user name of the Oracle owner on the database server (for example: oracle)
Figure 3 HP Data Protector User Configuration
Create HP Data Protector Oracle backup specification
To create an HP Data Protector Oracle backup specification, you must use the HP Data Protector
user interface from Windows machine to connect to the Cell Manager.
The integration options for Recovery Manager for Oracle are not available on the HP
Data Protector Java graphical user interface on the UNIX Cell Manager.
You can create an Oracle backup specification using online, offline or datafile template.
For online or datafile backup, the database must be online (OPEN) when the backup occurs. For
offline backup, the database must be offline (CLOSED) when the backup occurs.
Setting Up HP Data Protector Backup