The database restoration utility – HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Oracle User Manual

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The bpstart_notify and bpend_notify scripts are generated at


during the creation of the Recovery Manager Configuration file.

By default, the bpstart_notify script (for database backup policy) performs an online backup.
If an offline or datafile backup is desired, edit this file to set the value of BACKUP_MODE to 'offline'
or 'datafile' respectively. In addition, the database must be manually shutdown for offline backup.

For Oracle RMAN with HP Data Protector:

HP Data Protector Cell Manager executes the DP_pre. on the
RMO backup server.

The DP_pre. script creates an online, offline, datafile or archlog
virtual copy; mounts it on the RMO backup server; starts up a cloned database in MOUNTED
mode; then return control to HP Data Protector.

HP Data Protector executes RMAN script (defined in the HP Data Protector backup specification)
to back up the cloned database.

HP Data Protector executes the DP_post. on the RMO backup
server to clean up the cloned database and the virtual copy.


The DP_pre. and DP_post.

are generated at /usr/omni/bin (AIX) or /opt/omni/lbin (other UNIX platforms) on the
backup server during the Recovery Manager for Oracle configuration process. By default, the

creates an online Virtual Copy. If an offline or datafile

Virtual Copy is desired, edit this file to set the value of BACKUP_MODE to offline or datafile
respectively. For offline virtual copy, the database must be manually shutdown.

For Oracle RMAN and Oracle RMAN with Symantec NetBackup:

The NBU client executes the backup script or

, which must be specified in the Backup Selection List of the

NBU policy.

The backup script creates a Virtual Copy of the database or archive log destination, mounts
it on the backup server, starts up a cloned database in MOUNTED mode, then calls the RMAN
backup scripts ( or to backup
the cloned database.


The backup scripts ( and

and the RMAN backup scripts ( and

) are generated at


during the creation of the

Recovery Manager Configuration file. By default, the script (for
database backup policy) will perform an online backup. If an offline or datafile backup is desired,
edit this file to set the value of BACKUP_MODE to 'offline' or 'datafile' respectively. For offline
Virtual Copy, the database must be manually shutdown.

If the Virtual Copy is to be backed up using Oracle RMAN, a Recovery Catalog must be created
and configured prior to using the backup utility.

For an RAC database, archive log destinations of all RAC instances must be on shared storage
(same cluster file systems or same ASM disk groups).

The Database Restoration Utility

The database restoration utility of HP 3PAR Recovery Manager Software for Oracle restores
databases, tablespaces, datafiles, or archive logs from a backup image of a Virtual Copy. The
Virtual Copy must be previously backed up using the rmora_backup command. The Virtual Copy
must have a backup status of Y in order to be restored. The backup status of a Virtual Copy can


Overview of Recovery Manager Operations