Rmora_set – HP 3PAR Application Software Suite for Oracle User Manual
Page 102

rmora_set -s
The rmora_set command sets the retention time and/or its expiration time of a read-only Virtual
Copy when it is created without a retention time and/or expiration time set, or increases the
retention time and/or changes the expiration time of the Virtual Copy. Setting the expiration time
to 0(D|d) or 0(H|h) means to disable the expiration time property.
If the volumes do not belong to any domain, then the retention time of the volumes cannot exceed
the maximum volume retention time value of the system. The maximum volume retention time default
value for the system is 14 days. If the volumes belong to a domain, then the retention time of a
read-only Virtual Copy cannot exceed the maximum volume retention time value of the domain, if
set. The retention time cannot be removed or reduced once it is set. The command rmora_set
only validates the value for retention or expiration, which should be within the range of 0–1825
days (retention time is within the range of 1–1825 days). It does not validate if the retention value
exceeds the system or domain's maximum volume retention time. It relies on the HP 3PAR Operating
System Software CLI for that validation. Also, retention time cannot be longer than expiration time.
This check also relies on the HP 3PAR Operating System Software command line interface.
with the -r option can be used to display all Virtual Copy volumes with their
corresponding retention time and expiration time. If there is no retention or expiration time defined,
N/A is the displayed value.
When using rmora_set to increase the retention time or expiration time, the new values always
starts from the current time.
If the HP 3PAR Operating System Software version is 2.3.1, this command requires that the
new Virtual Copy retention time always be longer than the previous retention time. For example,
if the previous retention time is set to 4 weeks, and 3 weeks later you want to extend the
retention time for one more week, the new retention time should be set to 4 weeks instead of
2 weeks (the new value should always be longer or equal to the original 4 weeks), which
starts from the time you set it. If the previous retention time is set to 4 weeks, after 5 weeks, if
the Virtual Copy has not been removed and you want to set a new retention time, the new
retention time should be at least 4 weeks long, and starts from the time you reset it.
If the HP 3PAR Operating System Software version is 3.1.1 or higher, if setting the new
retention time would extend the retention end time, any new value is allowed. Or, once the
retention end time is passed, any new retention time is also allowed. The new value is not
necessarily the same or longer than the previous value. For example, if the previous retention
time is set to 4 weeks, and 3 week later you want to extend the retention for one more week,
the new retention time can be set to 2 weeks (the new value is shorter than the original 4
weeks), which starts from the time you set it. If the previous retention time is set to 4 weeks,
after 5 weeks, if the Virtual Copy has not been removed and you want to set a new retention
time, the new retention time can be any value within the allowed system or domain, and starts
from the time you reset it.
This command with the -r option requires the HP 3PAR Virtual Lock license. Contact your local
service provider for more information.
Requirements for setting retention time:
The retention time will only be applied for read-only database Virtual Copy.
The retention time can be set during Recovery Manager for Oracle configuration time
(rmora_config) per database as a policy or during Virtual Copy creation time
(rmora_create or rmora_rsync).
102 Using the Recovery Manager Command Line Interface