Alcatel-Lucent 8950 AAA User Manual
Page 47

SMT menus and their commands
Server Management Tool Command Set
365-360-001 R6.0
Issue 1, December 2008
Display Settings
Sets and display desktop components, icons, and
windows sizes and locations. All the settings are Yes or
No buttons. Choose appropriate buttons as per the
Show Icons in Resource Outline.
Show Icons on Table Buttons.
Shows Icons on Tabbed Panels.
Save Window Sizes and Location on Exit.
Use Saved Window Sizes and Locations.
Use Outline Dragging when Moving and Resizing
Show Status Bar: Display the SMT status bar at the
bottom of the main window. Used for displaying
messages and errors.
Show Tool Bar.
Show Pop-up Tips.
Confirm Operations
Specifies the questions that are asked throughout the
Confirm Server shutdown for the policy or
configuration servers.
All the settings are Yes or No buttons. Choose
appropriate buttons as per the requirement(s).
Panel Loading
Specifies the panels to load in the Server Management
Tool. Any changes to these properties will take effect
next time you run the SMT. You can choose to load or
not load all the available panels by selecting the Yes/No
buttons that are provided next to each of the available
panel names.
All the settings are Yes or No buttons. Choose
appropriate buttons as per the requirement(s).
Table 3-1 SMT Preferences Panel–Properties
Configured Items