Alcatel-Lucent 7670 RSP User Manual
Alcatel 7670 rsp

The Alcatel 7670 Routing Switch Platform
(RSP) is a feature-rich, highly scalable,
multiservice platform optimized to deliver
IP/MPLS and ATM-based services reliably
and concurrently. The platform is ideal for
service providers seeking to preserve and
expand current services while transition-
ing towards an IP/MPLS infrastructure.
With separate control planes for
IP/MPLS and ATM, the Alcatel 7670 RSP
has been uniquely designed to support a
wide range of services including IP-VPNs,
Layer 2 VPNs, Ethernet, ATM, and frame
relay. The Alcatel 7670 RSP also offers
comprehensive network and service inter-
working capabilities leveraging standards-
based approaches over both MPLS and
ATM. Furthermore, the Alcatel 7670 RSP
supports high-density, channelized, multi-
service cards that offer outstanding flexibility
with the ability to support multiple concur-
rent services at different speeds on a
single card.
Designed to accommodate traffic growth,
the Alcatel 7670 RSP scales rapidly and
without service interruption from 50 Gb/s
to 450 Gb/s (full duplex, redundant). The
breadth of supported configurations ensures
optimal node deployments at multiple
sites of varying size.
As a highly reliable, carrier-grade plat-
form, the Alcatel 7670 RSP provides full
common equipment redundancy. Facility
protection capabilities include automatic
protection switching (APS) for SONET/
SDH interfaces and link aggregation group
(LAG) for Ethernet interfaces. With the
addition of MPLS fast reroute (FRR),
non-stop routing, non-stop signaling and
non-stop forwarding, the result is a high-
availability architecture at all levels pro-
viding the foundation for true end-to-end,
non-stop Layer 2 and Layer 3 services.
The industry-leading Alcatel 5620
Network Manager (NM) provides a single
management platform to seamlessly manage
both legacy and IP/MPLS services. Only
Alcatel can provide a single tool for auto-
mated end-to-end provisioning of both label
switched paths (LSPs) and VCs across
multiple platforms, monitoring and enforce-
ment of service level agreements (SLAs),
and open interfaces that enable simple
integration into any OSS environment.
The Alcatel 7670 RSP is deployed in
over 110 of the world’s largest fixed and
mobile service provider networks world-
wide. Its unique platform enables the
deployment of flexible, scalable, highly
reliable and manageable networks capable
of supporting both today’s requirements
and tomorrow’s evolution.
A multiservice IP routing and switching platform
supporting new and established services
Alcatel 7670 RSP
Routing Switch Platform | Release 6.2
This document, which refers to Alcatel, was issued prior to our merger.
It has not been modified to refer to Alcatel-Lucent since it is part of our archives.