Alcatel-Lucent 7450 User Manual
Alcatel-lucent 7450 ethernet service switch

Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Service Switch
I N P U T / O U T P U T M O D U L E
The Alcatel-Lucent 7450 Ethernet Service Switch/Router (ESS) Input/Output Module (IOM) delivers up to
50 Gb/s (full-duplex) per-slot performance with highly scalable Carrier Ethernet service capabilities combined
with the flexibility of modular, physical interface options. The 7450 ESS IOM provides high-performance IP/MPLS
metro services, enabling the convergence of voice, video and data for a wide range of business, consumer
and mobile network applications.
An essential element of the highly
modular 7450 ESS Carrier Ethernet
Switch/Router, the IOM provides
configuration flexibility with high-
performance, distributed forwarding
and packet processing capabilities.
The IOM is a full-slot module that
inserts into a 7450 ESS-12, ESS-7 or
ESS-6 chassis slot. Each IOM supports
up to two hot-swappable Media
Dependent Adapters (MDAs) or
Integrated Service Adapters (ISAs).
The IOM is the distributed forwarding
and packet services engine, while the
MDA provides the physical network
interfaces and the ISA provides
integrated advanced services.
The 7450 ESS IOM delivers the full
complement of the Alcatel-Lucent
Service Router Operating System (SR
OS) capabilities targeted to the 7450
ESS, providing comprehensive support
for extensive IP/MPLS Metro Ethernet
services on a single module. Service
providers can configure each 7450 ESS
Carrier Ethernet Switch/Router with
a broad range of service configurations
to support Ethernet Line (E-Line)
Services, Ethernet LAN (E-LAN)
Services, Virtual Private Wire Services
(VPWS) and Virtual Private LAN Services
(VPLS) to meet the demands of metro-
based services. As a result, service
providers will find the 7450 ESS to
be less complex to configure and
maintain, resulting in increased
value and lower overall total cost
of ownership (TCO).
FP-based distributed processing
At the heart of the 7450 ESS IOM is the
innovative and sophisticated FP packet
processing complex. An Alcatel-Lucent
technology innovation, FP technology
delivers an optimal combination of
performance and multiservice flex-
ibility, enabling hardware-based