N in, Figure 5-7, This panel allo – Alcatel-Lucent 8950 AAA User Manual
Page 106

The Diameter Peers tab
Configuring 8950 AAA Client Properties
Issue 1, December 2008
Figure 5-7 The Peer Properties panel
explains each of these fields and the field descriptions.
Figure 5-8 Peer Properties panel–Properties
Field Name
Peer Name
Specifies the name of the peer.
Server Address
Specifies the fully qualified domain name or the IP
address of the peer.
Admin State
Specifies the admin state for the peer.
Yes or No option. Select Yes to encrypt the packets.
Specifies the dictionary name to use for this client
class definition.
Diameter Charset
Specifies the default character set to use for
character based Diameter AVP values which are
lacking a defined encoding.
Server Certificate File
Server Certificate File that is used to configure TLS
SSL Private Key Password
Specifies the SSL Private Key Password used to
secure connections over RMI. See SSL
Configuration of the Server Properties panel for
more information.
Trusted Certificates File
Trusted Certificates File that are used to configure
TLS parameters.