Fire-Lite MS-9050UDC Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel User Manual
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MS-9050 Series Manual — P/N 52413:G 4/14/2014
Product Description
Optional Modules and Accessories
Battery Boxes
The BB-26 battery box may be used to house up to two 26 AH batteries and the CHG-75 Battery
Charger. The battery box, which is red and is provided with knockouts, was designed specifically
to compliment mounting below the FACP.
The BB-55F battery box may be used to house two 26 AH batteries, two 60 AH batteries or one
100 AH battery. When the CHG-120F is mounted in the BB-55F, two 26 AH or one 60 AH battery
may also be housed in the battery box.
PS-Tools Programming Utility
The PS-Tools Programming Utility can be used to locally or remotely program an MS-9050UD
directly from most IBM compatible personal computers (PC), running Windows
XP (or newer).
MS-9050UD program files can also be created and stored on the PC and then downloaded to the
control panel. The part number PK-CD Kit includes the Windows-based Programming Utility soft-
ware on CD-ROM with online help file. A serial cable (P/N: PRT/PK-CABLE), which must be
purchased separately, is required for local connection of the PC to the RS-232 (PC/Printer) termi-
nals at TB3 of the MS-9050UD main circuit board. Remote programming requires that the PC
have a 2400 baud (or faster) modem.
Important: Remote modification of FACP programming requires that the panel be enabled for
remote download (refer to “Remote Download” on page 150). Remote interrogation of panel pro-
gramming, history logs, detector status, etc., is possible without enabling the remote download
Battery Chargers
CHG-75 Battery Charger
The CHG-75 is capable of charging up to 75 AH lead-acid batteries with the FACP. The FACP bat-
tery charger must be disabled, by removing jumper JP30, when using the CHG-75. The charger
and up to 26 AH batteries can be housed in the BB-26 battery box. Larger batteries and the charger
can be housed in the BB-55F battery box which can be mounted up to 20 feet away from the control
panel. Refer to the CHG-75 Manual for additional information.
CHG-120F Battery Charger
The CHG-120F is capable of charging up to 120 AH lead-acid batteries with the FACP. The FACP
battery charger must be disabled, by removing jumper JP30, when using the CHG-120F. The bat-
teries and charger can be housed in the BB-55F battery box which can be mounted up to 20 feet
away from the control panel. Note that when using the BB-55F for housing the charger and batter-
ies greater than 26AH, multiple BB-55Fs are required. Refer to the CHG-120F Manual for addi-
tional information.
IPDACT, IPDACT-2, IPDACT-2UD - IP Communicator
The IPDACT, IPDACT-2, and IPDACT-2UD are a compact, Internet Protocol Communicators
designed to allow FACP status communication to a Central Station via the internet. No telephone
lines are required when using any IPDACT. Using Contact ID protocol from the FACP, any
IPDACT converts the standard DACT phone communication to a protocol that can be transmitted
and received via the internet. It also checks connectivity between the FACP and Central Station.
Refer to the IPDACT Series Product Installation Document P/N 53109 for additional information.