Fire-Lite ECC-FFT User Manual

Ecc-fft operating instructions

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Section 1: Operating Information

Normal Standby Operation

Green AC P


indicator lit steadily.

Yellow T


indicators off.

Green telephone circuit indicators off.

Trouble Condition.

Activation of trouble signal under normal operation indicates a condition that requires

immediate attention. Contact your local service representative. Silence the audible signal by pressing the




switch. The General Trouble indicator will remain illuminated.

Section 2: Answering Incoming Calls

When a remote handset connects to the audio channel, the Answer Call LED will blink and the piezo will

Pick up the local handset and press the Answer button. The Answer Call LED will remain on steady and
the piezo will go silent.

Communication between the local and remote handset is now established. Additional remote handsets can
be attached to the audio connection without any intervention at the FFT. Once the last remote handset has
disconnected from the FFT, the answer LED will turn off and the system will return to normal.

Section 3: Switch Functions

Answer Call.

The Answer Call LED will blink and the FFT's piezo will sound when a remote handset is con-

nected to one of the FPJ-F phone jacks. Pressing the Answer Call button will connect the local handset to the
phone circuit, turn the Answer Call LED on steady, and silence the piezo.

Trouble Silence.

Manually silences the local trouble sounder.

Section 4: LED Indicators

Answer Call.

Green LED that blinks when a remote handset is connected to one of the FPJ-F phone jacks.

Turns on steady when the Answer Call button has been pressed.


Green LED that turns on steady when AC power is present.

Local Handset Trouble.

Yellow LED that blinks when there is a problem with the local handset.

Remote Handset Trouble.

Yellow LED that blinks when there is a trouble on the phone circuit.

General Trouble.

Yellow LED will blink when any system troubles are detected. When the Trouble Silence

button is pressed, the General Trouble LED will turn on steady. Once all system troubles have been cleared,
the General Trouble LED will turn off.

Zone Active.

Green LED that turns on steady when a remote handset is plugged into the respective zone. The

LED will turn off when the handset is removed from the zone.

Zone Trouble.

Yellow LED that blinks when a trouble is detected on the respective zone. Pressing the Trouble

Silence button will cause the zone trouble LED to turn on steady. Once the zone trouble is cleared, the LED
will turn off.

Section 5: Periodic Testing and Maintenance

To ensure proper and reliable operation, system inspection and testing should be scheduled monthly, or as
required by NFPA 72 or local fire codes. A qualified Service Representative should perform testing.

Refer to the ECC-FFT Installation Manual, P/N: LS10031-000FL-E, for more information.

This sheet must be framed and mounted adjacent to the ECC-FFT panel.

P/N LS10043-000FL-E:A 4/9/2013 13-707

In the event of trouble, contact the local

Fire-Lite Service Representative.

Name: __________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________

Telephone Number: _______________________________________