Receiver recording – Spectra Precision Survey Pro 3.80 Recon GPS Reference Manual User Manual
Page 64
GPS Reference Manual
Receiver Recording
The Receiver Recording screen is used to start or stop the receiver
recording. When in RTK mode, it allows you to stop the recording of
the base or rover RTK receiver.
6WDUW 5HFRUGLQJ : Opens a file on the receiver’s internal
memory and begins recording GPS raw data for post
processing. Next, the Static Receiver Session screen is
opened (Page R-76) where you need to enter the station
information and start mark the beginning of the
6WRS 5HFRUGLQJ : Stops recording GPS raw data for post
processing on the receiver’s internal memory and closes
the open file.
&KDQJH« : opens up the Post Process card of the Job,
Settings screen.
Rec Interval
: the recording interval set on the Post
Process card of the Job, Settings screen (page R- 11).
Mem. Threshold
: displays the memory threshold set on the Post
Process card of the Job, Settings screen.
SV Threshold
: the satellite threshold set on the Post Process card of
the Job, Settings screen.
HDOP Threshold
: displays the HDOP threshold set on the Post
Process card of the Job, Settings screen.
Note: The threshold fields display
if the Survey Pro Threshold
Manager is turned off.
Last Antenna for this Receiver
: displays antenna information defined
from the Post Processing Antenna screen, opened from
6HWXS +5. The
title of this field changes depending on if the antenna has already
been setup.