Sat info – Spectra Precision Survey Pro 3.80 Recon GPS Reference Manual User Manual
Page 23
Survey Menu – RTK
Sat Info
The Sat Info card displays signal quality information for the satellites
that are being used and allows you to disable specific satellites.
615 3ORW : This card lists all the satellites that are in
view and shows a bar graph that indicates the signal-to-
noise ratio. A longer bar indicates more noise, and a
lower-quality signal.
: is the satellite identification number that you wish
to disable or re-enable.
(QDEOH $// : enable all the satellites that were disabled.
'LVDEOH 69 : disables the USI entered above. This
satellite will then no longer be used in any solution until
it is re-enabled.
(QDEOH 69 : re-enables the USI entered above.
69 /LVW : This card lists signal quality information for
each satellite being used, which is reported by the
receiver. The columns available depend on the receiver
being used. Consult your receiver’s documentation for
more information.