Spectra Precision Survey Pro 3.80 Recon GPS Reference Manual User Manual
Page 49
Survey Menu – RTK
Localization Projection Setup
The Localization Projection Setup screen is used to manually
configure the parameters of the localization reference stereographic
Zone / Site Name
: displays the name of the current
initialized localization zone or the solved localization
Setup Group
: is where you enter the set up group of the
reference stereographic mapping plane.
Origin Latitude
: is where you enter the origin latitude
coordinate of the base location.
Origin Longitude
: is where you enter the origin longitude
coordinate of the base location.
2ULJLQ +HLJKW 2ULJLQ 6FDOH! : is where you enter either
the height or the scale factor used to reference the
localization system to ground level.
6DPH DV %DVH : updates the values with the coordinate
and set up group of the GPS base station.
3LFN IURP 'DWDEDVH : opens the Localization Data Base screen where
you can pick a reference stereographic map projection zone or a solve
localization site from the coordinate data base.
5HVHW 3URMHFWLRQ : initializes a new localization reference
stereographic map projection with the input parameters .