Spectra Precision Survey Pro 3.80 Recon GPS Reference Manual User Manual
Page 47
Survey Menu – RTK
Projection Key In Setup - Datum Rotations and Scale
The following screen is only displayed when
Datum type
Datum Rotations From WGS84
: is where you enter the
three rotations from WGS84 to the local datum.
Scale Factor (ppm)
: is where you enter the scale of the
datum transformation from WGS84 to the local datum.
The scale factor is entered in parts per million.
Note: The sign convention for the datum rotations and
scale factor is from WGS84 to the local datum. If your
datum transformation is defined for local to WGS84, be
sure to reverse the sign of the values before entering into
Survey Pro.
Projection Key In Setup - Datum from Data Base
The following screen is only displayed when
Datum type
Pick from
Data Base
: is where you select the data base datum to use
for the new zone.
Projection Key In Setup - Zone Parameters
The final screen of the Projection Key In Setup wizard
displays the parameters of the user input zone.
6WRUH : opens a prompt to enter the zone group and zone
of the new map projection zone, stores the named zone in
the data base and sets the zone as the current projection