Scale settings – Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual

Page 55

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Job Menu


screen are used in determining when two shots are at the same

; Survey with True Azimuths

: automates the process of adjusting

the circle on the total station when traversing so that you can survey

with azimuths rather than horizontal angles (see Page R-131).
Scale Factor: displays the details on the current mapping plane scale
factor, if one is configured.

Setup Scale… : access the Scale Settings screen where a mapping

plane scale factor can be configured in a variety of ways, or disabled.

Scale Settings

Job Settings

Surveying Setup Scale


The Scale Settings screen is the starting point for setting up a

mapping grid scale factor. Once configured, you will return to the
Surveying Settings screen where you must then tap to save the

scale settings.

Do not use a scale factor: This option will
disable any mapping plane scaling that is

currently enabled.
Use a single combined scale factor: This

uses a single combined scale factor that is
provided for you, or one can be computed with

the Calculate Scale wizard.
Use a grid factor with sea level correction:

This option uses a mapping plane scale factor
that is adjusted for elevation changes.
Use automatic map plane grid factor with

sea level correction: This option uses a combined scale factor that is
adjusted for elevation changes.
Use map plane ground coordinates: When checked, you can
configure the job to use map plane ground coordinates.
Combined Factor: is where you enter a combined scale factor if
already known, otherwise it is the combined scale factor computed

from the Calculate Scale wizard.