Spectra Precision Survey Pro v4.6 Ranger Reference Manual User Manual

Page 220

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Survey Pro Reference Manual


Origin Height / Origin Scale : is where you enter either the height or

the scale factor used to reference the localization system to ground


Same as Base : updates the values with the coordinate and set up

group of the GPS base station.

Use Geoid:

is where you choose to use a geoid model with this zone.

When this box is checked, you can select a geoid model from the

dropdown list to use with the coordinate system. When this box is
unchecked, no geoid will be used with the coordinate system. You can

pick a geoid model from the database using the drop down box.

Pick from Database : opens the Select Coordinate System screen

(Page R-213) where you can pick a reference stereographic map

projection zone or a solved localization site from the coordinate
system data base file (.csd).

Reset Projection : initializes a new localization reference

stereographic map projection with the input parameters.

Note: To simply assign a geoid to use with the TDS Localization

coordinate system, which will be set up automatically with your first
base, leave all fields of this screen empty and tap Reset Projection .
The geoid setting will be applied to the coordinate system setup
automatically with your first base setup.