Yokogawa Integral Oxygen Analyzer ZR202 User Manual
Page 23
IM 11M12A01-05E
2. Specifications
(1) Abnormal, (2) High-high alarm, (3) High-alarm, (4) Low-low alarm, (5) Low-
alarm, (6) Maintenance, (7) Calibration, (8) Range switching answer-back, (9)
Warm-up, (10) Calibration-gas pressure decrease (answerback of contact input),
(11) Flameout gas detection (answerback of contact input).
Contact Input : Two points, voltage-free contacts
The following functions are programmable for contact inputs:
(1) Calibration-gas pressure decrease alarm, (2) Range switching (switched range is
fixed), (3) External calibration start, (4) Process alarm (if this signal is received, the
heater power turns off)
Contact capacity : Off-leakage current; 3 mA or less.
Self-diagnosis : Abnormal cell, abnormal cell temperature (low/high), abnormal
calibration, A/D converter abnormal, digital circuit abnormal
Calibration : Method; zero/span calibration
Calibration mode ; automatic, semi-automatic and manual (All are operated using
optical switches). Either zero or span can be skipped.
Zero calibration-gas concentration setting range : 0.3 to 100 vol% O
(0.01 vol% in
smallest units).
Span calibration-gas concentration setting range : 4.5 to 100 vol% O
(0.01 vol% in
smallest units).
Use nitrogen-balanced mixed gas containing 10% scale of oxygen for standard zero-
gas, and 80 to 100% scale of oxygen for standard span-gas.
Calibration period ; date/time setting: maximum 255 days