Watlow Series SD PID Profiling Controller User Manual
Page 85
Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D
8 3
C h a p t e r 1 O v e r v i e w
Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D
8 3
A p p e n d i x
example 44, 46
navigating to 62
Proportional Band Cool 37, 41, 67
Proportional Band Heat 36, 40, 67
proportional control 67
proportional plus integral (PI)
control 68
proportional plus integral plus de-
rivative (PID) control 68
Proportional Term 38, 41
Quencharc 13–17
ramping 33, 52, 70
to set point 21
Ramping Mode 33
Ramp Rate 34, 57, 70
Ramp Scale 34, 70
Ramp Target Set Point 25
Rate 48
Rate Cool 37, 68
Rate Heat 37, 68
removing controller
1/16 DIN 7
1/32 DIN 6
1/4 DIN 9
1/8 DIN 8
Reset Cool 37, 68
Reset Heat 36, 68
Restore Factory Calibration 59
Restore User Profi les 59
Restore User Settings 59
restoring factory calibration 60
retransmit 71
RTD input 77
running a profi le 52
Run Menu 51
Save User Profi les 59
Save User Settings 59
screw clamp connectors 6
Seconds 48, 49
Seconds Remaining 57
sensor selection 65
Sensor Type 26, 65
Serial Number 1 60
Serial Number 2 60
Setup Page 23
setup steps 3
Set Point High Limit 28, 65
set point low and high limit 65
Set Point Low Limit 28, 65
Set Point Step 48, 53
silencing alarms 32–33, 71
single set point ramping 70
Soak Step 49, 53
Software Build Number 60
Software ID 60
Software Version 60
solid-state relay 77
specifi cations 77
Start File Number 56
Start Step Number 56
Step 47
step chart 55
Step Type 47
step types
set point step 52
soak step 53
switched dc 77
Target Set Point 48
Temperature Decimal Places 26
Temperature Units 26
Temperature Units via Serial
Comms 26
terminals 78
input 77
polarity 75
Thermocouple Linearization 26
troubleshooting 74
alarms 75
alarm message 75
display fl ashes 75
display problems 74
infrared communications 74
output cycles 75
output signal 74
process value reading 75
profi les 75
serial data communications 74
thermocouple polarity 75
TRU-TUNE+™ Enable 34, 40
TRU-TUNE+™ adaptive control
Tune Band 34, 64
Tune Gain 35, 64
tuning the PID parameters 63
Under damped 64
Units Scale High 27, 66
Units Scale Low 27, 66
universal input 77
upper display 20–24
Up and Down Keys 20
user profi les 62
user settings 62
variable time base 69
Wait-for Process 53
Wait-for Process Enable 49
Wait-for Process Value 49, 57
Watlow web site 72
weight 78
0 to 10VÎ (dc) process input 12
0 to 20 mA process input 13
0 to 50mVÎ (dc) process input 12
high voltage 11
low voltage 11
Output 1 mechanical relay 13
Output 1 process 14
Output 1 solid-state relay 13
Output 1 switched dc 14
Output 2 EIA/TIA-485 15
Output 2 mechanical relay 14
Output 2 solid-state relay 15
Output 2 switched dc 15
Output 3 mechanical relay 16
Output 3 open collector 17
Output 3 process 17
Output 3 solid-state relay 16
Output 3 switched dc 16
RTD input 12
thermocouple input 12
writing to non-volatile memory 73