Watlow Series SD PID Profiling Controller User Manual

Page 35

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Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D

3 3

C h a p t e r 5 S e t u p


Parameter Name




(Integer values for Modbus in




(less 40,001



Appears if:


Alarm 3 Hysteresis

Set the hysteresis for an alarm.
This determines how far into
the safe region the input needs
to move before the alarm can be

0.0 to 999.0 (0000 to



*136, 137


[Ot`3] is set to [dE;AL]



Alarm 3 Logic

Select the alarm output condi-
tion in the alarm state.

[AL`C] closed on alarm (0)
[AL`O] open on alarm (1)

[AL`C] (0)

199 R/W

[Ot`3] is set to [dE;AL].


Alarm 3 Latching

Turn alarm latching on or off.

[nLAt] off (0)
[`LAt] on (1)

[nLAt] (0)

138 R/W

[Ot`3] is set to [dE;AL]



Alarm 3 Silencing

Turn alarm silencing on or off.

[`OFF] off (0) no silencing
[``On] on (1) silencing

[`OFF] (0)

139 R/W

[Ot`3] is set to [dE;AL]



Alarm 3 Message

Displays an alarm message
when an alarm is active.

[`OFF] off (0) no message
[``On] on (1) message

[``On] (1)

140 R/W

[Ot`3] is set to [dE;AL]



AC Line Frequency

Set the frequency of the applied
AC line power source.

[``50] 50 (0)
[``60] 60 (1)

[``60] (1)

276 R/W


[Ctr1], [Ctr2] or

[Ctr3] is set to [Urtb].


Units of Measurement

Set the type of units used for the
PID control parameters.

[``US] US (0)
[``SI] SI (1)

[``US] (0)

45 R/W

Always active.


Input Error Latching

Turn input error latching on
or off.

[nLAt] off (0)
[`Lat] on (1)

[nLAt] (0)

90 R/W

Always active.


Input Error Failure Mode

Set the input error failure mode
when an error is detected and
the control changes to manual

[`OFF] off (0) (0% power)
[bPLS] bumpless (1) (cur-

rent power level)

[Man] manual (2) (fixed

power level)

[bPLS] (1)

252 R/W

Always active.


Input Error Power

Set the manual power level
when an input error causes a
change to manual mode.

-100.0 to 100.0%

(-10000 to 10000)


253 R/W

[FAIL} is set to [Man].

[ dSP]

Active Displays

Select which displays are active.

[`nor] both displays on (0)
[`Set] lower display

only (1)

[`Pro] upper display

only (2)

[`nor] (0)

44 R/W

Always active.

[ rP]

Ramping Mode**

Select when the control set point
ramps to the defined end set

[`OFF] off (0)
[`Str] ramps on start-up

only (1)

[``On] ramps at start-up

or any set point change (2)

[`OFF] (0)

266 R/W

Static set point version
only. (SD _C - _ _ _ _ - _
_ _ _ )

Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display. Full values can be read with Modbus. All temperature pa-
rameters through Modbus are in °F, by default. Writing to register 18 will toggle between °F and °C.

* Low register numbers contain the two higher bytes; high register numbers contain the two lower bytes of the four-byte integer.
Decimal precision is implied at three decimal places unless otherwise noted.

** Static set point version only (SD_C-_ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ ).

*** Profiling version only (SD_R-_ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ ).

This manual is related to the following products: