Watlow Series SD PID Profiling Controller User Manual
Page 39
Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D
3 7
C h a p t e r 6 O p e r a t i o n s
Parameter name
(less 40,001 offset)
Appears if"
Integral Heat
Set the PID integral in min-
utes per repeat for the heat
0.00 to 99.99 minutes/per
repeat (0000 to 99990)
0.00: disabled
*224, 225 R/W
At least one output is
set to
[hEAt], [ht;m]
is set to
[Unit] is set to
Rate Heat
Set the PID rate time in min-
utes for the heat output.
0.00 to 9.99 minutes (0000
to 9990)
0.00: disabled
*228, 229 R/W
At least one output is
set to
[hEAt], [ht;m]
is set to
[Unit] is set to
Derivative Heat
Set the PID derivative time in
minutes for the heat outputs.
0.00 to 9.99 minutes (0000
to 9990)
0.00: disabled
.*228, 229 R/W
At least one output is
set to
[hEAt], [ht;m]
is set to
[Unit] is set to
Dead Band Heat
An offset of the heating pro-
portional band from the set
0 to 999 (0000 to 999000)
*279, 280 R/W
At least one output
is set to
[hEAt] and
[ht;m] is set to PID.
Heat Hysteresis
Set the control switching hys-
teresis for on-off control. This
determines how far into the
“on” region the input needs to
move before the output actu-
ally turns on.
1 to 999 degrees, if
is set to
[``tc] or
[`rtd] (1000 to 999000)
0.000 to 999.999 units, if
[`Sen] is set to [`ma]
[uolt] (0000 to
1.0 1.000
*232, 233 R/W
*234, 235 R/W
At least one output
is set to
[ht;m] is set to
Cool Control Method
Set the Cool Control Method
[`OFF] off (0)
[`PId] PID (1)
[on;oF] on-off (2)
214 R/W
At least one output is
set to
Proportional Band Cool
Set the proportional band for
the cool outputs.
1 to 999°F if
[`Sen] is
set to
[``tc] or [`rtd]
(1000 to 999000)
0.000 to 999.0 if
[`Sen] is
set to
[`ma] or [uolt]
(0000 to 999000)
25 25.000
*218, 219 R/W
*222, 223 R/W
At least one output
is set to
[CL;m] is set to
Reset Cool
Set the PID reset in repeats
per minute for the cool out-
0.00 to 99.99 repeats per
minute (0000 to 99990)
0.00: disabled
*226, 227 R/W
(Modbus value
is integral,
which is the in-
verse of reset.)
At least one output is
set to
[CooL], [Cl;m]
is set to
[Unit] is set to
Integral Cool
Set the PID integral in min-
utes per repeat for the cool
0.00 to 99.99 minutes per
repeat (0000 to 99990)
0.00: disabled
*226, 227 R/W
At least one output is
set to
[CooL], [CL;m]
is set to
[Unit] is set to
Rate Cool
Set the PID rate time in min-
utes for the cool outputs.
0.00 to 9.99 minutes (0000
to 99990)
0.00: disabled
*230, 231 R/W
At least one output is
set to
[CooL], [Cl;m]
is set to
[Unit] is set to
Note: Parameters appear in the Operations Page only if activated from the programming page. See page 22 for Operations Page defaults.
Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display. Full values can be read with Modbus. All temperature param-
eters through Modbus are in °F, by default.
* Low register numbers contain the two higher bytes; high register numbers contain the two lower bytes of the four-byte integer. Decimal
precision is implied at three decimal places unless otherwise noted.
** Static set point version only (SD_C-_ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ ).
*** Profiling version only (SD_R-_ _ _ _- _ _ _ _ ).
**** This value multiplied by 100 equals the percent power.