Monitoring profile status from modbus – Watlow Series SD PID Profiling Controller User Manual

Page 59

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Wa t l o w S e r i e s S D

5 7

C h a p t e r 1 0 P r o f i l i n g


Parameter Name




(Integer values for Modbus

in parentheses.)



(less 40,001



Appears if:


File Running

File number that is currently running.

1 to 4


900 R

Profile is running.


Step Running

Step number that is currently running.

1 to 10


901 R

Profile is running.


End Set Point Value

Set point value reached at the end of the
current step.

[sp;lo] to [sphi]

*902, 903 R

Profile is running.


Hours Remaining

Indicates number of hours remaining in
the step currently running.

0 to 99

904 R

Profile is running.
Active if the value
set for

[ptyp] is

[``ti] or time
based profiles.


Minutes Remaining

Indicates number of minutes remaining
in the step currently running.

0 to 59

905 R

Profile is running.
Active if the value
set for

[ptyp] is

[``ti] or time
based profiles.

[ SEc]

Seconds Remaining

Indicates number of seconds remaining
in the step currently running.

0 to 59

907 R

Profile is running.
Active if the value
set for

[ptyp] is

[``ti] or time
based profiles.


Ramp Rate

Rate at which the profile changes in de-
grees or units per minute.

0.0 to 9999.9 (0 to


*907, 908 R

Profile is running.
Active if the value
set for

[ptyp] is

[rate] or rate
based profiles.


Event Output 1 status

Indicates Event Output 1 status.

[`Off] (0)
[``On] (1)

909 R

Profile is running.
Output 1 is set to


Event Output 2 status

Indicates Event Output 2 status.

[`Off] (0)
[``On] (1)

910 R

Profile is running.
Output 2 is set to


Event Output 3 status

Indicates Event Output 3 status.

[`Off] (0)
[``On] (1)

911 R

Profile is running.
Output 3 is set to


Wait-for Process Value

Profile clock waits until the process value
matches the Wait-for value and then con-
tinues with the step.

[sp;lo] to [sphi]

*912, 913 R

Profile is run-

[WF;P] set to


[ EJC]

Elapsed Jump Count

Number of times the profile has been
through the Jump Loop Step.

0 to 9999 (0 to 9999000)

914 R

Profile is running
and the current
profile step running
is a Jump Loop Step


Failed File Number

Indicates the file number that failed the
Pre-Run check.

1 to 4

365 R

Profile State is set
to 3 (Pre-Run Failed
Start) or 4 (Pre-Run
Failed Resume)


Failed Step Number

Indicates the step number that failed the
Pre-Run check.

1 to 10

366 R

Profile State is set
to 3 (Pre-Run Failed
Start) or 4 (Pre-Run
Failed Resume)

Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display. Full values can be read with Modbus. All temperature pa-
rameters are in °F through Modbus.

* Low register numbers contain the two higher bytes; high register numbers contain the two lower bytes of the four-byte integer.
Decimal precision is implied at three decimal places unless otherwise noted.

Monitoring Profile Status from Modbus

This manual is related to the following products: