Logic block instructions, Overview, Ladder instruction table – Maple Systems MAPware-7000 User Manual
Page 9: Input/output instructions

MAPware-7000 Ladder Logic Guide
1010-1041 rev. 00
Logic Block Instructions
Logic Block instructions are the commands and instructions used to create the ladder logic
routines supported by the HMC7000 Series. Over 100 instructions are available making the
HMC as flexible as using a PLC. The ladder logic can read/write to any internal memory of the
HMC including memory addresses allocated for use by the I/O expansion modules. Note that
although the ladder logic programs cannot directly access any memory of a PLC that is attached
to the HMC’s serial ports, you can still exchange data between the PLC and your ladder logic
programs by using the ‘Copy HMI Block to HMI/PLC Block’ and ‘Copy HMI/PLC Block to HMI
Block’ task commands (for more information on using these and other tasks, please read
Chapter 8 – Task Management).
The previous chapter discusses how to create ladder logic routines as well as the various types
of Logic Blocks supported. This chapter focuses on the ladder logic instructions available and
how they work.
Ladder Instruction Table
The table below is a brief listing of all ladder logic instructions available. The instructions are
split into groups according to similarity of purpose. Later in this chapter, each instruction will be
dealt with in more detail.
Input/Output Instructions
These are input instructions (must be located to the left side of the rung) and output
instructions (must be located to the right side of the rung).
Instruction Name
Time (μSec)
NO Contact
Normally Open Contact.
1 μsec
NC Contact
Normally Closed Contact.
1 μsec
Output Contact or Relay Coil.
1.1 μsec
Rising Edge
Turns ON output for 1 scan when input
changes from Off→On.
1 μsec