Maple Systems MAPware-7000 User Manual
Page 11

MAPware-7000 Ladder Logic Guide
1010-1041 rev. 00
Instruction Name
Time (μSec)
Table Initialize
Transfers a constant value or a value in
the specified source register (Operand A)
to a series of consecutive registers (1 to
1024) beginning with the target register.
(Operand B)
1.8 μsec to
205.3 μsec
Table Block Transfer
Transfers a series of consecutive registers
(1 to 1024) beginning with the source
register (Operand A) to a series of
consecutive registers beginning with the
target register. (Operand B)
1.7 μsec to
271.4 μsec
Table Invert Transfer
Transfers a series of consecutive registers
(1 to 1024) beginning with the source
register (Operand A) to a series of
consecutive registers beginning with the
target register (Operand B). However,
the values transferred are inverted. (ex.
1→0, and 0→1).
1.6 μsec to
316.2 μsec
Data Exchange
The data values in the two specified
registers are exchanged or swapped.
2 μsec
A particular register in a range of
registers (Operand A) is read and copied
to a target register (Operand C). Which
register read/copied is determined by the
value in Operand B register.
2.7 μsec
A register (Operand A) is read and copied
to a particular target register selected
from a range of registers (determined by
Operand C). Which target register
selected is determined by the value in
Operand B register.
2.5 μsec