Save a preset, Save a preset -22, Preliminar y – Extron Electronics MPX Plus 866 A Rev. B User Manual
Page 186: Html operation, cont’d

HTML Operation, cont’d
MPX Plus 866 A Media Presentation Matrix Switcher • HTML Operation
Global Presets page
You can save global ties presets and recall global tie presets and partial presets from
the Global Presets page (figure 6-22). Access the Global Presets page by clicking the
Global Presets
link on the left of the Control page.
Set and View Ties
Video & Audio Settings
Figure 6-22 — Global Presets page
Save a preset
When presets are saved via the HTML page, only the audio and video ties are
stored; audio gain settings are not saved.
Save the current configuration (configuration 0) as a global ties preset as follows:
Click the Save Preset button.
Select the desired preset by clicking on one of the presets listed. To create a
new preset, click one of the [unassigned] buttons. Overwrite an existing preset
by clicking an already existing preset.
If desired, type over the current name in the box adjacent to the Save Preset
Preset names are limited to 12 upper and lower case alphanumeric characters
and the {space} _ : = and / characters.
The following characters are invalid in preset names:
+ ~ , @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ “ ; : | \ and ?.
If you do not rename an unassigned button, the matrix switcher automatically
names the preset as Preset {next available number}.
If you do not rename an existing preset when it is overwritten, the matrix
switcher retains the same name.
Click the Accept button.