Configure standard correction, Take log of vertical scale, Time normalized intensity – Ocean Optics OOIBase32 User Manual
Page 83: Enable

8: Spectrum Menu Functions
You must enter the color temperature to use Relative Irradiance mode.
Select Spectrum | Reference Color Temperature.
Configure Standard Correction
This function is currently under development.
Take Log of Vertical Scale
This command enables or disables the presentation of spectral data on a logarithmic vertical scale.
When you enable this feature, OOIBase32 takes the base-10 logarithm of the spectral intensities and
affects both the plotted and stored spectral data.
Select Spectrum | Take Log of Vertical Scale.
Time Normalized Intensity
The Time Normalized Intensity mode is useful in experiments where the reference and sample scans
cannot use the same integration times due to detector saturation from the reference or the sample.
In this mode, you can use one integration time for the reference spectra and a different integration time
for sample spectra. The software normalizes the data as a function of time. However, for this processing
technique to produce valid spectral data, you must store separate dark spectra for each integration time
This option enables or disables the Time Normalized Intensity mode.
Select Spectrum | Time Normalized Intensity | Enable.
Enable this option before storing any spectra.