Rainbow Electronics AT75C310 User Manual

Page 128

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bl rx-poll-timed

cmp r2, #Ox16

bne remap


; A synch has been received look for the rest of the activation sequence


bl rx_poll_timed

cmp r2, #Ox42

bne remap

bl rx_poll_timed

cmp, r2, #Ox6f

bne remap,

bl rx_poll_timed

cmp r2, #Ox6f

bne remap,

bl rx_poll_timed

cmp r2, #Ox74

bne remap

bl rx_poll_timed

cmp r2, #Oxl6

bne remap

;Activation sequence received send the response

mov r2, #Ox16

bl sendbyte

mov r2, #Ox52

bl send_byte

mov r2, #Ox4f

bl send_byte

mov r2, #Ox4d

bl send_byte

mov r2, #Oxl6

bl send_byte

; Read the 16 bit length most significant byte first

bl rx_poll mov r3, r2, LSL #8

bl rx_poll

add r3, r3, r2

; Respond with the received length

mov r2, r3, lsr #8

bl sendbyte

mov r2, r3

bl send_byte

; Put the downloaded code in the SRAM

mov r6, #RAM_BASE


; Now download all the code bytes. Every time a byte is read it is X’ored with

; the previous total to get a checksum. Each group of four bytes is shifted in

; to form a word which is then copied to the Oak PRAM.


mov r5, #0

cmp r3, #0


beq sendcsum

; Read 4 bytes to form a little endian 32 bit value

bl rx_poll

eor r5, r5, r2

mov r4, r2

bl rx_poll