Rainbow Electronics RF модули диапазона ISM User Manual

Short range products, Product range, 4 ghz

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315/433 MHz

433/915 MHz

315/426 MHz

2.4 GHz

433/868 MHz

315/915 MHz
433 MHz

433 MHz

product Range

short range products


433 MHz band

Frequency: 433.05 – 434.79 MHz

Application: Europe, Australia,
South Africa

Standard: ETSI 300-220

Power: 10 mW

Duty cycle: 10% to 100%

TinyOne™ Lite

868 MHz band

Frequency: 868.00 – 870.00 MHz

Application: Europe

Standard: ETSI 300-220

Power: 5 to 500 mW
(Depending on sub-band)

Duty cycle: 0.1 to 100%
(Depending on sub-band)

-TinyOne™ Lite/Plus/Pro

915 MHz band

Frequency: 902.00 – 928.00 MHz

Application: U.S., Canada, Australia

Standard: FCC 15.247

Power: 1 W with possibility to have
6dB gain antenna

Duty cycle: Frequency Hopping
Spread Spectrum, 400 ms allowed
per channel, hop on 50 channels min

TinyOne™ Lite/Plus/Pro

2.4 GHz band

Frequency: 2400 – 2483.5 MHz

Application: Worldwide

Standard: IEEE 802.15.4

Power: 10 mW to 100 mW

Duty cycle: N/A

-TinyOne™ 2400 MC
-ZE50-2.4 (ZigBee



-ZE60-2.4 (ZigBee



Telit’s product portfolio offers a wide range of innovative and reliable RF solutions
ranging from ready-to-use wireless radio modems to OEM RF modules and RF
design services.
Solutions from Telit operate in the license-free worldwide ISM frequency bands of
433 MHz, 868 MHz, 915 MHz, and 2.4 GHz and are available in both standardized
and proprietary low-power, low-data rate RF technologies for the m2m/industrial
The long-term experience and extensive expertise in cost-effective state-of-the-
art radio solutions allow a significant reduction in TCO (total cost of ownership) and
time-to-market. Additionally, having full IP stack ownership and a multi-chip ven-
dor approach ensure continuity of supply and highly reliable products.

Telit designs wireless data transmission solutions for

machine-to-machine applications.

TinyOne™ family, consisting of TinyOne™ Lite, Tiny-
One™ Plus, TinyOne™ Pro, and TinyOne™ 2400MC, is
a complete line of products with a reduced form fac-
tor for easy integration. The family offers pin-to-pin
compatibly and surface mount device (SMD) half moon
technology that is dedicated to wireless applications
operating in the ISM band (433, 868, 915 and 2.4GHz),
thus providing efficient power consumption manage-
ment, low-data rates, and long distance.
TinyOne™ Lite, TinyOne™ Plus, TinyOne™ Pro and
TinyOne™ 2400MC are delivered with proprietary
standard firmware (S-One stack) and proprietary mesh

firmware (M-One stack). Telit‘s stack is fully configura-
ble and upgradeable over-the-air from a point-to-point
communication to a star communication with listen
before talk and allows mesh networking with efficient
power consumption management. The efficient power
management process enables multi-year battery pow-
ered operation, simple installation, and auto associa-
tion including self healing and auto-repair functionali-
ties as well as mobility functions.



ZE family offers an extremely compact form

factor with complete pin-to-pin alignment. The family

consists of low-power digital radios based on the
IEEE 802.15.4 standard at 2.4 GHz for wireless net-
works and uses a standard communication protocol
dedicated to a range of markets and applications such
as home automation and control, building automation,
advanced metering, and telecom applications.
The ZigBee


ZE family OEM modules are based on the

same concept while providing a small SMD component
for optimized integration ranging from 1mW up to
100mW. The modules are offered with or without an
embedded antenna and are available with the proven
world-class in-house ZigBee


stack (Z-ONE).

The product line is based on two main family concepts: TinyOne™ and ZigBee








Making machines talk.
