Rainbow Electronics ATA5575M1 User Manual

Features, Description

background image

NOTE: This is a summary document.
The complete document is available.
For more information, please contact
your local Atmel sales office.


Contactless Power Supply

Contactless Read/Write Data Transmission

Radio Frequency f


from 100 kHz to 150 kHz

128-bit EEPROM User Memory: 16 Bytes (8 Bits Each)

8-bit Configuration Memory

High Q-antenna Tolerance Due to Built-in Options


– Access Control

• Standard Unique Format (Manchester, RF/64)

• 40-bitData Memory

• 14-bit Parity Memory

• 9-bit Header Memory

On-chip Trimmed Antenna Capacitor

– 330 pF ±3%

– 250 pF ±3%

Mega Pads 200 µm


400 µm

Mega Pads 200 µm


400 µm with 25 µm Gold Bumps for Direct Coil Bonding

Other Options:

– Direct Access Mode

– OTP Functionality



The ATA5575 is a contactless read/write identification IC (IDIC


) for applications in

the 100-kHz to 150-kHz frequency band. A single coil connected to the chip serves as
the IC’s power supply and bi-directional communication interface. The antenna and
chip together form a transponder or tag.

The on-chip 128-bit user EEPROM (16 bytes with 8 bits each) can be read and written
byte-wise from a base station (reader). Data is transmitted from the IDIC (uplink) using
load modulation. This is achieved by damping the RF field with a resistive load
between the two terminals Coil 1 and Coil 2. The IC receives and decodes serial base
station commands (downlink), which are encoded as 100% amplitude modulated
(OOK) pulse-interval-encoded bit streams.

The ATA5575 is an EEPROM-based circuit. It is optimized for maximum read range.
Programming is also possible, but the write range is limited.

The chip has to be locked after loading the application-specific data into the device.
Until the enable bits are set properly, the ATA5575M1 transmits all digits “0” in unique
format. Typical applications run at 125 kHz.

100 kHz to
150 kHz



