Monitoring buddies, Monitoring buddies from the idle screen, Monitoring buddies integrati – Polycom VVX 1500 Business Media Phone User Manual
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User Guide for the Polycom VVX 1500 Business Media Phone
Using Buddy Status Lists
Polycom, Inc.
Blocking and Unblocking Contacts from Viewing Your Status
Block a contact in your Contact Directory if you don’t want the contact to view
your status. If you unblock a contact, the contact can add you to their
Buddy Status list and view your status.
To block or unblock a contact from viewing your status:
Features > Contact Directory.
From the Directory screen, tap the contact you want to block or unblock.
From the Edit Contact screen, tap Block Buddy, and then tap the field’s
highlighted grey box. From the drop-down list, tap Enabled or Disabled.
When Block Buddy is enabled, the contact cannot watch your status. The
contact will display in your Blocked List.
When Block Buddy is disabled, the contact can watch your status. The
contact will display in your Watcher List.
The default for Block Buddy is Disabled.
Tap the Save soft key.
to return to the idle screen.
Monitoring Buddies
You can monitor the status of all the contacts in your Buddy Status list from
the idle screen (if your buddy has a Speed Dial Key), or from the Buddy Status
Monitoring Buddies from the Idle Screen
Your phone automatically assigns a buddy to a Speed Dial Key (if one is
available). The Speed Dial Key displays an icon and status indicator (a vertical
bar on the far-right of the key) that indicate the buddy’s status.
To view a list of contacts that can and cannot monitor your status, do the following:
To view contacts that cannot view your status, tap
Features >
Presence > Blocked List.
To view contacts that can view your status, tap
Features >
Presence > Watcher List.
You can use your Blocked List to unblock a contact, rather than updating the
Contact Directory. Tap
> Features > Presence > Blocked List. From
the Blocked List screen, tap the contact you want to unblock, and then tap the
Unblock soft key. The contact can now watch your phone, and will display in your
Watcher List.