4 homing move – Parker Hannifin Dynaserv G2 User Manual
Page 59

Homing Move
In this operation the rotor is moved according to a preset home position search method in order to establish a
coordinate system. After first moving to the home position determined by the proximity signal and motor Zero
signal, it continues to move an amount further given in the #29 Offset distance from the Home position
parameter's setting value. It then sets the drive coordinate command value to the value set in the #30 Homing
complete operation command value parameter.
There are two ways to generate motor Zero signals (hardware and software Zero signals). The method used
varies depending on the motor. See the explanation given below.
The homing operation is processed in the following order.
The move can only be trapezoidal but it is possible to set the acceleration and deceleration profile. In addition,
the velocity override does function in real time.
The settling wait function is performed at each point during the homing operation.
[Related parameters]
Over-travel search velocity during a homing move
Homing operation: Home sensor proximity signal
search velocity
Homing operation: Home sensing feed velocity 1
Homing operation: Origin position offset feed velocity
Homing direction
Enable/Disable the over-travel signal under the
homing mode
Homing operation: Origin inside selection
Enabling the proximity signal during OT search under
the homing mode
Enabling the homing flag position error
Offset distance from the Home position
Homing complete operation command value
Coordinates (+) direction setting
(1) OT search move
The rotor moves until it finds an over-travel (OT) signal in the opposite side of the homing direction and in the
opposite direction of homing direction. It is executed only when the OT signal search move is enabled in #21
Enable/Disable the over-travel signal under the homing mode parameter.
If the proximity signal during OT search move is enabled in the #26 Enabling the proximity signal during OT
search under the homing mode parameter, and an home position proximity signal is detected during an OT
search move, the rotor stops the OT search move, and then proceeds to (2) or (3) below.
The moving velocity is set to the value in #11 Over-travel search velocity during a homing move parameter.
(2) Homing search move
The rotor moves until it finds a homing sensor in the homing direction.
The moving velocity is set to the value in #12 Homing operation: Home sensor proximity signal search
velocity parameter.
(3) Moving to outside of home position proximity area
This is executed only if #25 = 1. If #202 = 1, the rotor moves in (+) direction until it leaves the home position
proximity area. If #202 = 0, the rotor moves in (-) direction until it leaves the home position proximity area.
The moving velocity is set to the value in the #13 Homing operation: Home sensing feed velocity 1
[Hardware Zero signal]
Applicable motor:
DMA and DMB series
[Software Zero signal]
Applicable motor:
Flat motor (DM1004B)
Small-diameter motor (DM1004C)
Standard DRA, DRB and DRE series
High-speed DRB and DRE series