Honeywell MS-9200UDLSE User Manual

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MS-9200UDLS PN 52750:E1 01/27/09


24 Hour Test Time 137
300 Series addressable devices 21
4XTMF module 199, 200

coil resistance 56
current 56
installation 56
installation steps 57
see also Transmitter Module 15, 21
supervisory relay config. 57
voltage 56

AC Branch Circuit

calculations 187

AC Loss Delay 104
AC Power 49

current 16
current, maximum 49
voltage 16
wiring 16, 49

Account Code 136
Acknowledge/Step 18, 156
ACM Series

see also annunciator 41

ACM-16ATF Annunciator 41
ACM-32AF Annunciator 41
ACM-8RF 15

contact rating 41
see also Relay Control Module 41

ACS 41
ACS LED annunciator 15
add Detector 65
add Module 75
addressable 14
addressable detectors

see also detectors 15

Addressable Device Accessories 21
addressable modules 20

see also modules 15


annunciators 117
see also device addressing 97
see also module or detector addressing 20

Ademco Contact ID format 210

control module 89
list 72
monitor module 82
multiple entries 74

AEM-16ATF Annunciator 41
AEM-32AF Annunciator 41
Alarm 160
Alarm Silence 18, 156
alarm verification 15, 69, 163, 166
ANN-LED Annunciator Module 38
annunciator 24

ACM 15, 117
ACM-8RF 15
LCD-80F 15
LDM Graphic 15

annunciator addressing 117
annunciator, graphic

see also LDM Series 41

annunciator, remote

see also LCD-80F 41

Automatic Test Operation 163
Autoprogramming 15, 60, 64
Autosilence 15, 166

NAC 107

auxiliary DC power 49
backbox 20

see also cabinet 48

Backup Reporting 134
Banner 97

setting 98

battery 20

cable connection 49
charger 19
charger capacity 16
Charging Circuit 16
see also secondary power 16, 49

battery box 22
battery charger 23

disable 16
external 23

baud rate 142

see also battery box 20, 22


dimensions 47, 48

cabinet mounting 45
Calculate System Current Draw 188
Calculating the Battery Size 190
Canadian Applications 44
Canadian Option 97, 111

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