C.2 mbt-1 municipal box trip - silenceable – Honeywell MS-9200UDLSE User Manual
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NFPA Standard-Specific Requirements
MS-9200UDLS PN 52750:E1 01/27/09
C.2 MBT-1 Municipal Box Trip - Silenceable
The following figure illustrates the connection of the MBT-1 (Municipal Box Trip) between the
FACP and a Local Energy Municipal Box. The use of an addressable control module programmed
for General Alarm and Silenceable allows silencing of the Municipal Box without resetting the
panel or box.
FACP Main Circuit Board
Control Module*
24 VDC, Nonresettable
+ -
SLC Loop B+ -B
brown wire
white wire
EOLR-1 Power
Supervision Relay
Alarm polarity shown!
- To next device
+ on SLC Loop
Braided-shield/Drain Wire
The addressable Control Module must be programmed
as Silenceable and General Alarm.
Gamewell Model M34-56
Local Energy Municipal Box
Note: 10
Ω maximum loop
resistance due to wiring from
power supply to Municipal Box.
Connect wires to two
red terminals on box.
(All contacts shown in energized position).
Figure C.5 MBT-1 Silenceable
*If the SLC device does not match the one in this figure, refer to the SLC manual wiring conversion charts for legacy and
newer versions of the modules.