Hitachi MK-96RD617-08 User Manual
Page 151

Server Priority Manager Operation
Hitachi Universal Storage Platform V/VM Hitachi Performance Manager User’s Guide
Expand the WWN list to show the WWNs of the host bus adapters that are
connected to the port but are not monitored. These host bus adapters are
the same as that displayed in step 5. From that list, select a WWN and
specify the SPM name. You can specify up to 16 characters for an SPM
Note: Hitachi Data Systems recommends that you specify the same names
for the SPM names and the nicknames of the host bus adapters for
convenience of host bus adapter management. Nicknames are aliases of
host bus adapters defined by LUN Manager. In the Port-LUN tab of
Performance Monitor, not only SPM names but also nicknames are
displayed as the aliases of host bus adapters (WWNs) in the list. Therefore,
if you specify both the same aliases, the management of the host bus
adapters is easier.
8. Click OK. The selected WWN (of the host bus adapter) is moved from Non-
Monitor to Monitor.
Note: If the specified host bus adapter is also connected to other ports,
after clicking OK, a message appears asking whether to change the
settings of that host bus adapter for other ports, too. Make the same
setting for all the ports.
9. Repeat step 6 to 8 to move all the host bus adapters displayed below Non-
Monitor to below Monitor.
Note: If you disconnect a host that has been connected via a cable to your
storage system or change the port to the another port of the host, the
WWN for the host will remain in the WWN list of the WWN tab. If you want
to delete the WWN from the WWN list, you can delete the WWN by using
LUN Manager. For detail information of the deleting old WWNs from the
WWN list, see the LUN Manager User's Guide.
10. Click Apply in the Server Priority Manager window. The settings on the
window are applied to the storage system.
Note: If you are using Windows, you can drag and drop the desired WWNs
from Non-Monitor to Monitor. When you drop a WWN to Monitor, the
Add WWN window is displayed in which you can specify the SPM name