Query commands, Name: field usage (optional), Tag field usage – Honeywell Granit 1991iSR Ultra-Rugged Standard-Range Barcode Scanner User Manual

Page 242

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Granit XP User Guide

scanner. This setting is changed by using the BT_NAM command,
which accepts alphanumeric values. If the name is not known, a wild-
card (*) can be used :*


Since the base stores all work group settings and transfers to them to scanner once
they are linked, changes are typically done to the base and not to the scanner.


A 3 character case-insensitive field that identifies the desired menu
command group. For example, all RS232 configuration settings are
identified with a Tag of




A 3 character case-insensitive field that identifies the desired menu
command within the tag group. For example, the SubTag for the
RS232 baud rate is




The new value for a menu setting, identified by the Tag and SubTag.


A single character that specifies the storage table to which the com-
mand is applied. An exclamation point (!) performs the command’s
operation on the device’s volatile menu configuration table. A period
(.) performs the command’s operation on the device’s non-volatile
menu configuration table. Use the non-volatile table only for semi-
permanent changes you want saved through a power cycle.

Query Commands

Several special characters can be used to query the device about its settings.


What is the default value for the setting(s).


What is the PAP sub command.


When using the


, all other commands will return NAK.


What is the device’s current value for the setting(s).


What is the range of possible values for the setting(s). (The device’s
response uses a dash (-) to indicate a continuous range of values. A
pipe (|) separates items in a list of non-continuous values.)

:Name: Field Usage (Optional)

This command returns the query information from the scanner.

Tag Field Usage

When a query is used in place of a Tag field, the query applies to the


set of

commands available for the particular storage table indicated by the Storage field
of the command. In this case, the SubTag and Data fields should not be used
because they are ignored by the device.