Imaging commands, Single-use basis, Command syntax – Honeywell Granit 1991iSR Ultra-Rugged Standard-Range Barcode Scanner User Manual
Page 217: Chapter 8 - imaging commands
Granit XP User Guide
The scanner is like a digital camera in the way it captures, manipulates, and trans-
fers images. The following commands allow you to alter the way the scanner per-
forms these functions.
Single-Use Basis
Imaging Commands with their modifiers send instructions to the scanner on a sin-
gle-use basis, and take effect for a single image capture. Once that capture is com-
plete, the scanner reverts to its imaging default settings. If you want to
permanently change a setting, you must use the serial default commands (see
). When the serial default command is used, that selection becomes the
new, permanent setting for the scanner.
Command Syntax
Multiple modifiers and commands can be issued within one sequence. If additional
modifiers are to be applied to the same command, just add the modifiers to that
command. For example, to add 2 modifiers to the Image Snap command, such as
setting the Imaging Style to 1P and the Wait for Trigger to 1T, you would enter
After processing an image capture command (IMGSNP or IMGBOX), you must follow
it with an IMGSHP command if you want to see it on your terminal.
To add a command to a sequence, each new command is separated with a semico-
lon. For example, to add the Image Ship command to the above sequence, you
would enter IMGSNP1P1T;IMGSHP.
The imaging commands are: